kitty Music stuff. bread right Film stuff. kitty Poetry stuff. bread right Rambling stuff. kitty Book stuff. bread right Stuff. kitty

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming

My non-punctual friend Pete and I are beginning a short film series. When I say short film series, I mean to say we plan on making a film series that are all shorts and have an indefinite number associated with their duplication. Thus far, we have about 5 ideas circulating in our brains and written on digital paper via Microsoft Word 2003. One idea we have prepared up to the point of actually shooting, which is especially exciting. We are naming the series "Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming".

Let me explain, because this is certainly a complex and nontraditional idea.

We plan to create 5-6 (hopefully more) short films, probably about 1-3 minutes in length, that will be included in our "series". We will release these onto our completely new and unused YouTube account which can be found at this link: (no link: YouTube account has yet to be used). The series is based around an idea. The idea that we, as human units, trudge through daily life in a trance of repetition and the only things that snap out of this trance are the tiny miscalculations, errors, and spouts of forgetfulness that are constant in our lives. It's a broad idea, but we are trying to shine a light on simplicity and make it nice to look at.

Here is the logo we are going to use for our series. Something I've worked on for a bit and I'm pretty stoked about. 

We start shooting tomorrow. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Bobby D & My Cup of Tea

Here's to the hearts
and the hands of the men
That come with the dust
and are gone with the wind

Some may differ on the opinion of Bob Dylan in his musical styles. Some may say that he's not as good as he's made out to be. Truth be told, I don't know. In music and in art, it's all opinion. Opinions always vary and there's nothing we can do or say that will change that. Taste is a valuable thing in itself though. It's not a bad thing that our different tastes set us apart. It's really what makes us interesting as a whole. If I don't like a specific song, that doesn't necessarily mean the song is bad, it's just not my cup of tea. If it's not my cup of tea, it's someone else's and there's plenty to drink!

here's a bit o' bobby d that's my cup of tea